Therapy for Your Money with Julie Herres

A podcast about money and finances for therapists in private practice

“Therapy for your Money” is the podcast dedicated to providing valuable insights on money and finances for therapists in private practice. I’m your host, Julie Herres, the founder and owner of GreenOak Accounting, an accounting firm specializing in serving therapists, psychologists, and counselors in private practice.

Over the years, my team and I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of private practices and we have learned the best practices that help practice owners get their finances under control and reach new levels of success. As we all know, money can be a source of stress, but don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place to take control of your finances.

During this podcast, I will be sharing how my firm helps our clients increase profitability, including tips on team compensation, tax planning, budgeting, retirement planning, and many more relevant topics. Join me as we explore the strategies and tactics that can help you achieve financial success and peace of mind.

About Julie Herres

Julie Herres, the founder, and owner of GreenOak Accounting, brings years of experience as an accountant to the table, specializing in serving therapists, psychologists, and counselors in private practice. With a focus on financial success, Julie and her team have worked with hundreds of private practice owners and have developed a wealth of knowledge about what makes a practice thrive.

At GreenOak Accounting, the goal is to help practice owners feel confident and in control of the financial side of their business, resulting in a profitable practice. Julie’s aim for this podcast is no different – to provide therapists in private practice with the tools and insights they need to succeed financially.

With her wealth of experience, Julie will be sharing best practices she’s learned along the way, and bringing on guests to discuss a range of financial topics. Join Julie on “Therapy for your Money” to gain a deeper understanding of how to manage the financial side of your practice and achieve success.

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